Yearly Archives: 2017

50 Days Left in 2017: A Challenge

A few weeks ago, the Godly Play Foundation was offered a challenge gift.

The gift is $5,000, and the challenge is to secure 50 donations or $5,000 in the last 50 days of 2017.

We need your help to meet this challenge!

We need your help to secure the $5,000 and to raise additional funds for the Foundation to continue its work in serving the worldwide Godly Play circle.

To meet this challenge, the Foundation needs to receive at least one donation every day left in 2017–or enough sizeable donations to reach $5,000.

Please consider making a donation today to help us meet this challenge and secure the $5,000 donation offered!


Godly Play at the 2018 Forma Conference!

Forma Annual Conference: Formed for Justice


January 24-26, 2018 in Charleston, South Carolina
Early registration rates end September 30th


Don’t miss two pre-conference Godly Play workshops with Center for the Theology of Childhood director The Rev. Cheryl V. Minor, PhD!

What’s Not Working? Troubleshooting the Growing Edges of your Godly Play Program

Wednesday, January 24th 9a-noon

Interested in expanding your program into the full curriclum (age 12)? Losing your patience at a critical moment every week? Wondering if your youngest circle is really getting it? Join other established programs to troubleshoot your program’s growing edges with children’s spirituality and Godly Play expert The Rev. Cheryl V. Minor, PhD. Modeling the theology undergirding the Godly Play method, this session will be participant driven and will address the specific concerns of the circle gathered–the wisdom of the circle is integral in the ongoing work of nurturing a Godly Play program.

Godly Play 2.0: New Stories, Curriculum Updates + Revisions

Wednesday, January 24th 1p-4p

With the second edition of The Complete Guide to Godly Play story volumes comes new stories, curriculum updates, and revisions that will strengthen every Godly Play program. Join contributing editor The Rev. Cheryl V. Minor, PhD, who works closely with Jerome Berryman as the director of The Center for the Theology of Childhood, to discover these important changes and poignant additions and to learn how to implement these curriculum changes in your new or established program.

The Rev. Cheryl V. Minor, Ph.D.

The Rev. Cheryl V. Minor, Ph.D. is the Director of the Center for the Theology of Childhood, the academic and publishing arm of the Godly Play Foundation. For the past eighteen years she has served a parish in the Diocese of Massachusetts, The Parish of All Saints’ Church in Belmont. Also a Godly Play Trainer and Foundation Education Committee co-chair, Dr. Minor has been deeply involved in designing US Godly Play training models.


Curriculum Updates and Revisions in the Expanded 2nd Edition of Volume 3

Our curriculum updates, grammar and illustration revisions, and new stories continue with the revised and expanded second edition of The Complete Guide to Godly Play, Volume 3!


For a quick guide to the 2017 curriculum updates in Volume 3, please see our one-page handout noting the changes you will find detailed in the revised and expanded second edition. We suggest that every Godly Play teacher receive a copy and that you leave a copy in each of your Godly Play rooms.

2017 Curriculum Updates – Volume 3


Be sure to order the new revised and expanded edition to discover the details of these updates for yourself!

Beyond the new practice, the new story, and the new words for the stories you already love, the new edition of Volume 3 includes significant grammar and illustration revisions to better support your program.

Order the book in print

Order the individual stories in digital form

Order digital Parent Pages

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Drawing Close to God: A Reflection by Alyssa Pasternak Post

I began working in parish-based children’s ministry when my youngest child was just two months old. Churches are familiar places to them. Children’s spaces in particular become like an extension of our living room.

Recently my daughters helped me to select and prepare a small gift to give each student and teacher at our parish’s Blessing of the Backpacks – pocket-sized holding crosses made of olive wood in Bethlehem. Sitting in our Godly Play room, the girls took up the big work of taping said crosses to prayer cards and placing them neatly in baskets so that they could be handed out at each Mass.

Finally, this weekend they could place their new pocket crosses in one of the cool zippered compartments on their backpacks. (The one on the shoulder strap seemed to be the most awesome, in case you’re wondering.) Continue reading

Curriculum Updates and Revisions in the Expanded 2nd Edition of Volume 2

Yes, we have updated our curriculum, revised grammar and illustrations, and are adding new stories! Many of you had an opportunity to see the changes at our 2017 North American Godly Play Conference. This good news needs to be spread!

Quick Guide: 2017 Curriculum Updates – Volume 2

For a quick guide to the 2017 curriculum updates in Volume 2, please see our one-page handout noting the changes you will find detailed in the revised and expanded second edition. We suggest that every Godly Play teacher receive a copy and that you leave a copy in each of your Godly Play rooms.

2017 Curriculum Updates – Volume 2

Revised and Expanded Second Edition of Volume 2

For background information on how we got here, please take a minute to read the below story explaining the reasons and processes for the curriculum updates.

But most importantly, be sure to order the new revised and expanded edition to discover the details of these updates for yourself!

Beyond the new practice, the new story, and new words for the stories you already love, the new edition of Volume 2 includes significant grammar and illustration revisions to better support your program.

Order the book in print

Order the individual stories in digital form

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