Curriculum Updates and Revisions in the Expanded 2nd Edition of Volume 4

Our curriculum updates, grammar and illustration revisions, and new stories continue with the revised and expanded second edition of The Complete Guide to Godly Play, Volume 4!


For a quick guide to the 2017-8 curriculum updates in Volume 4, please see our one-page handout noting the changes you will find detailed in the revised and expanded second edition.

We suggest that every Godly Play teacher receive a copy and that you leave a copy in each of your Godly Play rooms.

2017-8 Curriculum Updates – Volume 4


Every lesson in this volume has been edited—some in small ways and some in very significant ways. There are also some new and improved illustrations.

Be sure to order the new revised and expanded edition to discover the details of these updates for yourself!

Order the book in print

Order the individual stories in digital form

Order digital Parent Pages


The revised and expanded Volume 4 of The Complete Guide to Godly Play is now available! Like Volume 2 and 3, this volume was first published fifteen years ago. It has the well-loved “The Faces of Easter” series of lessons, “The Good Shepherd  and World Communion,” “The Synagogue and the Upper Room,” “The Circle of the Holy Eucharist,” “The Mystery of Pentecost,” and more!

The Process

As with the revision of Volumes 2 and 3, Jerome Berryman invited both Rosemary Beales and Cheryl Minor to work with him to consider revisions and additions for Volume 4. Every lesson in this volume has been edited—some in small ways and some in very significant ways. There are also some new and improved illustrations. Be sure to check out the new diagrams for “The Holy Trinity” lesson. Finally, we have added one new story for you to use in your Godly Play practice.

Significant Revisions in Volume 4


The original version of this story was not especially well-developed. What we had was kind of a suggestion for how to use the materials. In the revision we have a much more complete story. Furthermore, Godly Play Resources has developed not only the liturgical furniture needed for this lesson but all of the additional items suggested (seasonal hangings for the altar and pulpit, a fair linen for the altar, a corporal, purificators, a chalice, a paten, etc.). For Godly Play room display, Godly Play Resources has also developed a set of seasonal banners that match the hangings for the altar in this lesson.


This lesson is now designated as an Extension Lesson as opposed to a Core Lesson. It extends the lesson called “Knowing Jesus in a New Way” found in Volume 8. However in most rooms, it makes sense to leave “The Mystery of Pentecost” on the top shelf next to “Knowing Jesus in a New Way,” since the lower Pentecost shelves are filled with the lessons on the Saints (Volume 7 lessons).


“Paul’s Discovery,” as it was called in the original Volume 4, is a long lesson that many skip during the early years of Godly Play. We wondered if we needed a simpler way to introduce Paul to children earlier. Jerome decided to write a new Core Lesson called “Saul Changes,” which is the story of Paul’s conversion only. “Paul’s Discovery” will now be called “Paul’s Travels and His Letters” and will be an extension of “Saul Changes” (a Core Lesson that lives on the top shelf).

The new “Saul Changes” story uses the wooden plaque depicting Paul’s Road to Damascus experience from the original lesson about Paul (“Paul’s Discovery”) as well as a red road, two blocks of wood to represent the cities of Jerusalem and Damascus, a tan felt underlay, and a wooden tray.

If you already own the original lesson about Paul, formally called “Paul’s Discovery,” then you can purchase just the pieces you need to create the new “Saul Changes” Core Lesson (Product #454 Saul Changes Additional), which includes a red road, two blocks of wood, a tan felt underlay, and a wooden tray. Then all you need to do is lift the plaque depicting Paul’s Road to Damascus experience out of the original lesson and place it on this new tray. Note: “Saul Changes,” resides on the top shelf of your New Testament shelves, and “Paul’s Travels and His Letters” (formally called “Paul’s Discovery”) is now placed on the shelf directly below. “Saul Changes” is the Core Lesson about the apostle Paul, and “Paul’s Travels and His Letters” is an Extension Lesson (as it extends “Saul Changes”).

“THE HOLY TRINITY” – Lesson 19

This Synthesis Lesson was rarely used in its original form as it seemed too daunting for most storytellers. Partly this was due to the misunderstanding that the storyteller was supposed to tell each of the three lessons that make up this presentation (“The Faces of Easter,” “Creation,” & the story of Paul) in their entirety! The revision is clearer about how to summarize these stories for the synthesis presentation. A summary is sufficient since the point of the Synthesis Lesson is that children are already familiar with the three lessons and therefore are ready to make connections between them with just some simple reminders. We were also able to add some illustrations to the lesson to help make clearer how to lay out the materials on the floor.

Thank you!

Thank you to all the Godly Play practitioners around the globe who have sent us suggestions and questions over the last fifteen years. We listened carefully and hope you will see that reflected in the revisions.

We look forward to many more years of working collaboratively with the greater circle! And keep the feedback coming—we are listening!

Feedback on The Complete Guide to Godly Play

Materials Feedback

Curriculum Update Information for Volume 2

Curriculum Update Information for Volume 3